
All the words on your blog count

Words count. That's why you write a blog! Your web domain is your blog's portal into the world. Make sure you welcome your visitors in style. Pick a .blog domain name to tell your story the right way.

A theme that says it all

What makes a blog stellar? SO many things. Find all the elements you need with WordPress.com. Check out the styles and themes available. Which one helps tell your story best? Whether it's pictures, products, recipes, or a little of everything, let your blog theme set the scene.

Powerful websites that grow with you

  • Optimized for success

    Optimized for success

    Built-in SEO tools, social-media integration, and easy sharing options make your website ready to launch (and grow!) in no time.

  • All-in-one hosting

    All-in-one hosting

    A user-friendly platform that takes care of performance and security, so you can stay focused on your goals.

  • The best support

    The best support

    Get expert live chat support from our Happiness Engineers. Whether you’re adding a site to your domain or editing advanced DNS settings, we're here to help.

Get posting with your .blog now

Grab a domain name that fits — and get writing! If you haven't built your site, no problem. We'll give you a free, temporary welcome page for visitors. Get the ball rolling. Let's find a domain name that channels the message you're ready to share with the world.

Find your new domain